
Learn English Quickly


This is the case for most people who want to learn a new language and it is probably yours if you are reading this article. Most learners get frustrated quickly because they don’t progress as quickly as they would like. However, learning English alone is not rocket science and we all have strengths and weaknesses within us that allow us to move forward. In addition, nowadays, it is an essential language to know in order to travel and be understood. But how to learn English ? And especially how to learn to speak?I am giving you today the 3 steps to follow which are essential if you want tolearn English easily and quickly: this is what I call the triangle of success. But before starting, I’ll explain how to start your English learning on the right foundations! Ready? Let’s go!

Learn English fast: where to start?

Take the example of Michael and Sarah. Michel works as a marketing manager in Paris and his company opens a branch in London. Michel needs to learn English quickly to be able to speak fluently for his job. Sarah works as an au pair in Marseille and would like to travel to the United States, she needs advice to learn English and thus be able to find a job in her new city.

Both have a real need for intensive language courses but it is not for the same reasons. Moreover, the level of English to be reached for each is not the same either. Michel must be able to learn to speak English and enrich his technical vocabulary, Sarah must above all work to improve her oral comprehension in English to understand and know how to speak English.

And you ? Why do you want to learn the English language? Do you have a specific goal? How can this learning affect your daily life? Taking the time to answer these questions will allow you to have a very clear objective in mind and to put in place the necessary means to achieve it. Register for online English courses can be a great way to help you.

Acquire the right reflexes

Before getting to the heart of the matter, here is a reminder of the 4 skills you absolutely must acquire to learn English quickly and easily :

How to learn English well? Multiply the sources!

This is called immersion. Nothing better to learn English for a beginner than reading, watching and listening to all kinds of things in English. Learning a new language is completely subconscious, which means you’ll be more effective if you immerse yourself in the language than if you spend your time studying it.

Multiplying sources will help you learn English easily in an unconscious way. You will discover and hear words and grammatical forms repeatedly, and without even realizing it you will absorb them and store these data in your brain.

Once this is done, it will be much easier for you to write and speak in English without even thinking about the rules. Most learners do not use enough different sources, which slows down their learning.

Learn English easily with context

There is absolutely no point in memorizing lists of verbs or words if you are not able to identify them and know how to use them in a specific context (I talk about them here ). Learning English through context means learning through sentences already made and remembering these sentences in a defined context. In this way, you will train your brain to learn a new grammatical construction.

To put this method into practice, all you have to do is read a book or magazine in English (excellent for improving your written comprehension in English ), watch a series or a film in its original version (with English subtitles), or still engage in a conversation with a native thanks to the applications to learn English . Not only are these fun ways, but they are an extremely effective way to learn English quickly and easily .

Work on your pronunciation

This part is very often neglected in English lessons because it requires taking time for each student, which is difficult when there are many in class. However, as an autodidact you should not overlook this point. To do this, learn to recognize sounds well using tools such as Youglish for example. Don’t hesitate to register and compare your pronunciation with that of the natives. Watchword ? Practice of course! This will help you make the pronunciation as natural as possible. Some pronunciation exercises here for immediate practice.