learn English

How to learn English quickly?


Even though it is considered an easy language to learn, with 750,000 words and spelling that can sometimes be confusing , learning it quickly can seem impossible. But by having a good learning strategy, anything is possible, even without going abroad .

Here are our top tips for learning English fast:

1. Read everything that comes to hand

Classic literature, a paperback, a newspaper, an informational website, a movie title, an email, your social media feed, a cereal box: if they’re written in English, read them. Any reading is beneficial .

For what ? Well, these contents are full of new vocabulary words, in addition to all the ones you already know. This will help you progress quickly and improve your knowledge. Indeed, repeated exposure to a known word reinforces these words in your mind.

On the other hand, learning new expressions and new words is essential to express yourself correctly . Especially in a language like English which has so many words! However, don’t just read.

2. Actively Take Note of New Words

Among all the tips we offer, this one is a classic. Sometimes we enjoy a new expression so much that forgetting it seems impossible, yet it can be quickly forgotten.

You don’t remember every word the first time. To remedy this, get into the habit of bringing your phone and the “note” application or a notebook and a pen. Whenever you hear or read an unfamiliar word or phrase, take care to write it down in context, that is, by writing out the entire sentence and explaining its meaning .

This is a great time-saving method, without having to search for that term and wondering, “what does that word or phrase mean again?” “.

3. Talk with native speakers

What is a language for, if not to communicate? Of course, we humans have become experts in the art of communicating without opening our mouths, thank you WhatsApp!

But, it is undeniable that speaking another language orally makes it possible to memorize it much better than simply reading or writing it. Just remember how many times you have heard people say “I understand English, but I can’t speak it”. Speaking the language in your daily life also considerably improves your pronunciation.

For a large number of people who would dream of mastering English, learning it can become overwhelming. Do not be discouraged ! Look for native speakers to increase informal language exchanges , sign up for a course or take lessons online.

4. Subscribe to podcasts or YouTube channels

Do you like humor, politics, blogs, cooking? With videos or audios covering all possible and imaginable centers of interest, there is bound to be a podcast or an English-speaking YouTube channel dedicated to learning English!

Subscribe to a few of them and listen to them in your car or watch them on the way to school or work, on public transport.

You might find the different accents difficult to pick up at first, but be persistent and you’ll soon begin to understand what you hear (along with learning many words and phrases).

Note that this channel is suitable for any type of profile. You will find, for example, videos offering exercises dedicated to dyslexic people. Everyone can learn English!

5. Go abroad

If there’s a better way to learn English than soaking it all up while living or studying in an English-speaking country, we’d love to know it!

In view of all the English-speaking countries, you will be spoiled for choice when it comes to your destination.

Think Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Malta or Ireland, to name but a few!

The language trip abroad is for sure the best way to apprehend and learn a foreign language . You are immersed in the country, take part in courses within a school, you are in contact with other students from all over the world. An exceptional life experience !

6. Use friends

Do you have friends who post online in English and just reading their posts gives you a headache? Do not hide their posts. Go through the posts they share and commit to exploring one or two a day. It’s about training your brain to record data. Practice a little each day and you will quickly see your significant progress.

These can be press releases or magazine articles, videos, conversations, blogs, songs or any type of content: as long as it is written in English and the subject covered interested. This will help you improve your knowledge of English .

7. Ask as many questions as possible

Curiosity may have killed the cat but it also propels the learner towards mastery of the language! As you learn English, you will soon be faced with a mountain of questions.

Don’t sit on your doubts – be curious and dispel them! If you are enrolled in a course, ask your teacher. It’s part of his job, after all. Don’t be afraid to ask “dumb” questions. The only silly questions are the ones you keep to yourself…

And, if you’re studying on your own, don’t worry: look for the answers on specific blogs or sites, ask other people, or browse the forums. You will not regret it !