successful communication in education

5 tips for successful communication in education


Communicating in the world of education requires serious knowledge of the sector. Any communication strategy aimed at education professionals and in particular teachers requires respecting a few essential rules.

Teachers are the target of numerous campaigns all year round. Few of them offer satisfactory results. It must be said that classic marketing recipes do not always work with this demanding audience. At Com d’Hatitude Publicité, we have known this public of education professionals well for more than 20 years.

We will help you take into account their uniqueness, choose the right supports and the right intermediaries. Because we are the only 100% educational advertising agency, we will be there to help you. While waiting to take stock of your projects and objectives for the next school year.

Here are five tips for successful communication in education and to put the odds on your side.

Communicate with teachers. The usual recipes do not work

To communicate in education, there are of course the basic rules valid for any communication operation, whatever the public. Once the “Persona” has been defined, this fictitious person who has the same social and psychological attributes and characteristics of your target, you must:

Be creative to get his attention.

Taking into account this basics of communication in education is useful but it is not enough. Here is a list of tips to maximize your chances.

The teacher is a critical and demanding consumer. Get to know him.

Teachers sometimes take a critical look at traditional advertising. They don’t like spam and overly commercial messages, the big marketing tricks. They may be wary of brands. It’s up to you to find the right arguments. They are sensitive to sustainable development, ecology, citizenship, innovation and great causes. Digital tools or educational kits must, for example, have a real educational interest. They must meet notions in the program. We must be able to use them in the classroom in a multidisciplinary way. They are wary of speeches and trust their peers and edu-influencers whom they consider as relays of trust.

A singular Persona to discover to make the right choices

We were already asking ourselves the question here some time ago: How to communicate with teachers?

Are they on social media? If yes, which ones ? When ? Unlike other Internet users, teachers connect most often in the evening or on weekends. Did you know that in primary school, teachers also log on on Wednesdays because they are preparing for their lessons. What websites do they visit? What are they looking for? Do they receive a lot of email solicitations? They hate overly commercial spam, but did you know that teachers are big fans of good newsletters?

Choose a specialist to save time…and money

Buying advertising campaigns on Google is within everyone’s reach. It still takes time to master the AdSense gas plant and not make mistakes in the choice of keywords or target sites. The cost per click, for an audience that is not always qualified, can be very expensive.

You can also contact a large generalist agency, but this requires significant budgets. They will never be enough for you to appear in the priorities of the agency. Your campaign will be one more campaign entrusted to all-round teams who do not know enough about the education sector with the risk of directing you to irrelevant media.

To succeed in your campaign, you need an editorial strategy. It must be clearly defined and take into account all the media available to you to communicate. Faced with the multiple solicitations of which teachers are the target, you need to vary the forms and media to renew yourself and reach your audience. Banners, sponsored articles, educational kits, games, tests with edu-influencers… Do not deny yourself any format, any medium.

Paper is also an excellent communication medium, especially in education, teachers are very attached to it. Newsletters are another very effective channel to retain your audience and keep them informed of your news. Opt again for a service provider who can offer you all of these supports and media.

Save time. A single interlocutor for each advertising campaign, from the recommendation to the final report, guarantees you a 360 vision and quality monitoring.

At Com d’Habit, we will work with you to create a personalized advertising campaign that targets your specific audience. We will first try to understand what your objectives are and try to get to know you better.

From there we’ll provide you with recommendations on the best platforms and mediums to use and the type of content that will resonate with your audience.

We will also be available to answer all your questions and provide you with detailed reports on the performance of your campaign.